Genetics for Humans
About this website
How this site is structured
I really want to create resources for everyone with an interest in genetics, and make them all as accessible as possible. As such, I've divided my posts into three categories: explainers, trends, and research.
Explainers aim to explain some of the most fundamental concepts in genetics. These aren't prerequisites for understanding any of the more cutting edge stuff, but having a deeper understanding of how things in genetics work will probably deepen your appreciation of the modern research as well.
Trends are posts I've written based on new review articles I've found. Review articles aren't research in and of themselves, they tend to be papers written by academics which collate a large body of research in one area and present its themes to an academic audience. As a student and a reader, I love review articles, but here I will try and communicate some of their key ideas without the need for the reader to be an expert (or even a student) in the field.
Research posts are posts I've written based on cutting edge research in genetics. Simple as that. Naturally the research articles in leading academic journals are also written for a largely scientific audience, so I'll be doing my best to make these comprehensible to the general public.
And that's it!
I hope you're able to use the resources I provide to deepen your own understanding of modern genetic science, how it's impacting our world, and how this impact will continue and develop into the future. Enjoy!
Not sure where to begin?
Never studied biology before? No idea where you should start? Not sure what DNA is? No problem! Start here.